Wednesday, April 21, 2010

The digestive system

The parts of the digestive system consist of:-

The mouth
The esophagus
The stomach
The small intestine
The large intestine
The Pancreas
The liver

The digestive system is mainly split into two parts, mechanical digestion, and chemical digestion. In the mouth, both of theses types occur. The jaws show physical attributes while biting, and an enzyme which is saliva is obtained to contaminate the food and split the carbohydrates. The food then travels down the esophagus into the stomach, where enzymes are freed including hydrochloric acid to contaminate into liquid. It then travels to the small intestine where all proteins are gathered with the help of the liver and pancreas. Nothing is left then but the waste and water, which are obtained at the large intestine, and so the waste travels through the anus, while the sugar and protein are being absorbed in the blood.

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